A honeymoon adventure at Reynisfjara black sand beach
It’s a quiet evening on the south coast, it’s summer so the sun is still up in the sky even though it’s way past dinner time but as we make our way into the canyon the sun rays are hidden behind the walls around us. There is a slight squishing sound as our hiking boots trample in the mud, followed by the rustle of Precious’s wedding dress being dragged over rocks, wet grass and the muddy path.

Waterfall Photoshoot
As we get closer to the waterfall at the bottom of the canyon the ground becomes wetter and wetter and we can see droplets forming on the vegetation around us, feel the spray of the falling water on our faces and then the thundering waterfall drowns out all the other sounds around us.

New Love
It’s just the four of us there enjoying the stunning scenery. Precious and Brett came to Iceland, straight from their wedding ceremony in Wisconsin to enjoy their honeymoon in the arctic summer. Up until their wedding they had been in a long distance relationship and straight away its obvious that they can’t get enough of each other. So our job of documenting this time in their lives and all the emotions that come with it is made easy. We just stand back and let things unfold naturally.

Lupine Fields
Once we have had our fill of being drenched under a waterfall we make our way from the mountains down to the sea. On the way we stop in a patch of wild flowers that are just starting to bloom, dotting the landscape with blue and purple.

A Black Sand Beach Sunset
And again we are completely alone as we head across the black sand beach towards the breathtaking rock formations at the bottom of the cliffs looming above us. Now the sun is about to sink behind the horizon but it decides to say good night by illuminating the rock face in the most glorious light for just a few moments.

Creating the perfect ending to our little south coast adventure and making sure that Precious and Brett will remember that time they spent on a volcanic beach in Iceland for the rest of their lives.